something fishy

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Crazy Little Thing Called Love (Part II)

First of all, this post wouldn’t be possible if not for the people who generously shared their stories with me. Thank you for making me realize that I have really crazy friends. Haha! I kid! Seriously, what started out as a little survey turned out to be an enlightening project that not only asks the craziest thing people did for love but also makes people look back and realize that at the end of the day, there was/is always that someone you were/are prepared to do crazy things for.

And because the heart is stubborn and irrational and fearless and willing to do all sorts of crazy – in the name of love, here goes Part II:



Have you ever been so crazy in love that you conquered your fears for that person?

“When you’re in love, you defy almost everything, even your worst fears in life”, said my friend who walked alone, across a pitch black campus at two in the morning, just to see this girl. I guess that’s the thing with love, you feel no fear (or maybe you do, but you don’t care). Case in point: this guy who challenged a whole fraternity to a boxing match to fight for his girlfriend. For some people, love means entrusting someone with your life (crazily hehe) – like this girl who, in a drunken stupor, hopped on a back of a motorcycle, and let her equally drunk boyfriend take them both home. Blame it on the alcohol, maybe. But she now looks back to that night and just thanks God that they got home alive (otherwise they won’t be married now) hehe!

I realized that girls can get really fearless (and crazy) when in love – fearless in a way that they are willing to step out of their comfort zones, like several girls I know who moved thousands of miles away from home. One girl even borrowed money from her parents to live halfway across the world, without a job, away from her comfortable life here, and into the arms of the man she loves.

Makes you think about leaving your comfort zone, no? :  )



Did you ever feel like your love life (or someone else’s) is taken right out of a movie scene? You know, like how you can relate when Basha gets jealous seeing Popoy’s new girlfriend (One More Chance, 2007) or how much you feels you had when Lorenz finally admits he’s in love with Toni (Got 2 Believe, 2002) or how you wished you were Aurelia when Jamie proposed to her (Love Actually, 2003).  Well, I think my friends have better versions.

Who in his right mind will still surprise an ex-girlfriend (and on Valentine’s Day, mind you) who’s already dating someone new? Imagine a guy, waiting in a lobby with a bouquet of roses in his hands – then the new couple walks in, straight from a lunch date. Now, that’s a surprise, alright!

This girl has a different version of an airport scene. She literally went from place to place, searching for the guy, and finally ended up at the airport – few hours before his flight leaves. Given the limited time, it was not possible to profess her love to the guy, so she did the next best thing: she gave him a book, and in those pages, she wrote everything she wanted to say, and confessed every feeling she has. I don’t know if I’m allowed to write what happened next, but please tell me that’s one of the most romantic things you’ve ever read!

And of course, who doesn’t remember a movie or two where the girl falls for her best friend? As for my friend who “gave up the friendship to jump into the wild waters of love” (her words, not mine), falling in love with the best friend is synonymous with crazy.




It’s amazing how (most) people’s initial reaction to the question was amusement. I don’t know if it’s the retrospective realization that you were once ‘too in love’ that you were willing to do things even if you make a fool out of yourself, even if you know it’s wrong, and even if the feelings are not reciprocated. It may be that realization that you were once capable of doing such things and exerting that much effort. Like commuting from Manila to Laguna just to see the girl, spending the night talking to her, then taking the bus back to Manila in the wee hours of the morning; or paying for his rent and food, raising funds for his tuition fee, and even raising more funds to pay for damages incurred during his motorcycle accident; it could also be letting your partner ‘explore’ and be free, all the while knowing that you might/will be hurt if she finds someone new – but you do it anyway.

But really, is there anything crazier than the girl who pursued the guy and who proposed to him, eventually? :  )

What’s the craziest thing you did for love? 
